The Improbability Volumes will be posted daily (or as close to daily as I can manage) as part of NaNoWriMo 2018. (Word count will be tallied on the NaNo site, with constant bragging via Twitter.)
All posts will remain public until 12/31/2018, at which time I’ll pull them for revision, editing and subsequent publication.
Most of the content will be PG-13, but there will be MATURE and NSFW elements. This is lesbian fiction, friends, and I’ve got a reputation to uphold.
In the spirit of NaNoWriMo, I’ll do my best to leave the blemishes on and keep the editing to a minimum. This means pure ugliness with occasional moments of brilliance:
- Spelling errors
- Inconsistent names
- Subplots that go nowhere
- Stuff that appears out of thin air
- Stuff that never gets resolved
- Scenes that just stop
- Tiny notes to myself all over the place
- TONS of back-revving
- Plot inconsistencies
Once items are posted, I’ll try not to revise except in cases of glaring spelling errors that might ruin my aforementioned reputation.
THIS IS IMPORTANT: the story will NOT unfold sequentially, and a lot of elements will be posted out of order. If I’m going to crank out 1667 words a day, AND post daily, AND get the occasional input from Twitter, something’s gotta give somewhere. I’ve decided that I’ll allow myself the ability to write whichever piece of the story is flowing that day.
Minor: the characters in The Improbability Volumes originally appeared as meta for cosplay in my short story “Season Finale” in the Sapphire Books “FANDOM TO FANTASY VOL 1” anthology. It’s not necessary reading for this month’s project, but if you want a tiny teasing taste of one scene (as well as a plethora of other awesome stories), be sure to check it out.
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