This Wednesday, Feb 1st, I will be having a Totally Gen X author chat with Liz Prato, author of KIDS IN AMERICA: A Gen X Reckoning. We’ll start at 630p, and you’ll want to be there. Liz and I both attended Lewis and Clark College back in ’80s, and we’ve got a lot to discuss.
Last weekend, I was thrilled to moderate this Beyond the Writing Academy panel from their GCLS Virtual Series. Getting such great writers in a room to talk about some of the deeper (and not often discussed) aspects of writing fan fiction was a treat.
Be sure to check out some of their work. (And if you’re here looking for a sneak peek at CONSECRATED GROUND before its Feb 7th release, you can get it here.)
From Supergirl to Black Widow to Sappho herself, Fan Fiction is an art form all to itself. Many beloved authors started their writing careers with fan fiction. The inspiration that comes from the love of characters other writers have created is a testimony to the deep connection readers and viewers of all types of media have with the creators. Join us as we talk to Fan Fiction aficionados to hear about the impact this form of writing has on the creators and readers, how to get into writing fan fiction, and where to find your community of fan fiction writers.
Fan Fiction: The People’s Genre from the GCLS Writing Academy